Sexual Harassment at Workplace in New Orleans, LA – Understanding the Law

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Federal Law – Title VII – and the Louisiana Anti-Discrimination statute grant protection to people in New Orleans, LA who complain about sexual harassment. The term is used for referring to certain types of gender discrimination at the workplace. Misbehavior's like unwelcome sexual advances, attempts to gain sexual favors, and verbal/physical misconduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment.

Facts revealed by 2015 Cosmopolitan survey

Sexual harassment at workplaces is more common than what many think. As a survey conducted by Cosmopolitan in 2015 revealed, one out of every three women between the age of 18 and 34 complained of sexual harassment at the workplace. According to the same report, 7 out of 10 women reporting of sexual harassment didn't actually file a complaint.

Common types of harassment

Courts often use the terms 'hostile environment' and 'quid pro quo' for common types of harassment. Hostile environment is a situation wherein sexual harassment is the outcome of an unreasonable interference in the daily work routine of an employee and creates a sort of intimidating environment for them. Sexual jokes, comments, and display of sexual literature in office are examples of such misbehavior.
Quid pro quo refers to sexual conduct related to granting or denial of benefits like out-of-turn promotion, big appraisal etc. These are the cases wherein the harasser relies on their actual or apparent authority to let it affect the behavior of an employee and gain sexual favors. Such a predatory behavior could be explicit or implicit.

Coercing is harassment

No employee is expected to grant sexual favor in return for a promotion or an appraisal. If someone has tried to coerce you, it is sexual harassment. The court takes into account whether the employee did complain about this and how the employer responded. Legal advice is important for both employers and employees in a sexual harassment case.

Employers seeking legal support

Most law firms work with employers as well as employees in sexual harassment cases. They'll work with employers to set up policies and procedures to prevent sexual harassment, and to respond to complaints in a manner that minimizes the potential liability of a company. It is important to have the right policies and procedures in place to greatly reduce the liability of a company in case someone in their staff is accused of misconduct. It is good if employees seek legal help early on before a complaint is filed, but they should definitely do this prior to responding to a complaint. There are situations wherein relatively minor complaints turn into major lawsuits because of a lopsided response to complaints.

Employees requiring assistance

Employees facing sexual harassment require the most extensive counseling possible regarding their options and the possible outcomes of a lawsuit. It is for an attorney to advise them how they can protect their interests. Every victim of harassment has different goals and personal considerations; so, an advice that is good for one party may not be necessarily right for another.

Some cases may get settled outside the court, while some may eventually end with a court verdict. You never know how a lawsuit would eventually conclude. The least you can do is hire a knowledgeable sexualharassment attorney in New Orleans, LA and seek the best legal assistance you can get.
